Monday, January 25, 2010


Last night I got to talking to a friend of mine about our childhoods and I told her about my siblings. I have a kid sister and while talking about her to Kate, I realized just how badly I miss Leslie.

She is a few years younger than I am, but we are quite close, and living on different coasts doesn't suit us well at all. We spent a great deal of time together as children,  were in several weddings together, and I just loved having her around, especially as she got a bit older. I never had a problem with her 'tagging along' with me when I left the house, unless I was on a date.  
Later in Connecticut and in Potomac, when I was still in college and she was a teenager, and then after we'd both married, and I was living in CT with my husband and kids, I'd have been lost without her ready laughter! We also spent a great deal of time together as adults when I was in Woodbury (CT) and she was in Westport with her (now) sophomore at Stanford son, Jake who was then in diapers.

Being the crazy (funny crazy) eccentric then as now, she had less than NO idea what the hell to do with, "This cute little thing that I got!"; it was as if she were saying to me, "Mone, I was in Saks yesterday and you just wouldn't believe what I scored this time!"
As I was telling Kate last night, it was great when she moved to Ca because no one questioned her need for a nanny, whereas in our East Coast neighborhood back then,  if you weren't raising your own kid, your 'friends' wanted to know what was the matter with you.

My kid sister is a hoot, and has been told by many more than just me that she should be doing stand up. However, it seems that she has such strong dislike for Phyllis Diller and Roseanne Barr's "tasteless behavior", and is ridiculously eccentric enough to believe that because she is a woman in her 40s if she tries to do what they did she'll be pigeonholed.
She doesn't see her beautiful face, doe eyed with flushed pink cheeks (above), she has no idea how charming her ironic crooked smile is in conjunction with all of that other stuff.
I mean, really, can't you just see Bitsy from the club describing her Mother-In-Law on New Year's Eve? 
Okay, her Mother-In-Law at the garden club meeting that she had too many martini's before arriving at, only to discover that she's not what the hell would a few more matter? Only later to find that her car keys are forever lost somewhere between "that road out there" (nasty road) and the house that the meeting was held in!
How about the 'real' side of checking out the gift table before a Society Wedding, because well, you just have to know who's had a good year and who, oh my -gasp- hasn't?
Do tell us about the snarling Mommies and 'Sponsor's' prior to the International Deb Ball in December at the Waldorf, and the best one of all, is... 

just how stoned the Debs were prior to the annual December gala, after months of being twisted, turned, posed, and pricked just to get ready, only to have to wear a wedding dress with no groom or worse, new furniture?
It's great material, and Leslie looks (but isn't) just like good old Bitsy, darling of the debs.....So I told her, I said, "fine you dope, write a damn book. I'll clean it up for you, but you are just too funny to waste what you've been given."  

The trouble is that I just can't get her to see it as a Saks score..

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love that Saks line! It's a shame you can't make her see herself the way you see her...but that's the flaw in being ourselves....we've got these pre-conceived notions of who we are and what we're supposed to do, right?

    Well, you can't force her to perform for the rest of the'll have to just keep all that finely-timed comedy for yourself and those she's comfortable enough to share it with!
